What Kind of Neighbor

What Kind of Neighbor: HSRA

The Board of High Sierra Rural Alliance has chosen to sue the County of Sierra. Currently that board is composed of people in the local community, as listed below, from HSRA’s website.

Judy Lawrence
Acting President--Graphic Designer; Archaeologist; Sattley resident

Linda Frost
Secretary--Retired Asst. Assessor, Sierra County; Director, Downieville Public Utilities District; Downieville resident

Cindy Ellsmore
Treasurer--Retired CountyTreasurer-Tax Collector; Sierra County Web Administrator; Sierra City resident

Diane Neubert
Member--Retired Sierra City Postmaster; Community Outreach Coordinator, Sierra City Methodist Church; Sierra City resident


Because the High Sierra Rural Alliance does not have regular board meetings, and does not schedule public input at their meetings, it is not possible to ask questions of them in person.

We will ask, and we encourage you to ask these neighbors, why they felt it necessary to burden us with the definition of "high water mark" which is far more severe than other places, and which simply doesn’t represent the real world of Sierra County.

One thing to keep in mind: HSRA doesn’t have to have a board from here. The organization could have board members from Muirland who would owe local people nothing.

If it did, the Muirland board would not be much further from the local community that this board has become.

We encourage everyone who cares about Sierra County or rural people in general to sign the High Water Line initiative which will be circulating starting Saturday. There will be a CAPR meeting Saturday at 3:30 at Los Dos Hermanos in Sierraville; the initiative will be introduced then. Come down and be among the first to sign.

HSRA has chosen to distance itself from the community. If the initiative passes, the group could still sue, but what claim could it make to the interests of the community? What does "be happy stay rural" mean, against that?


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