Cooter Petpals

Cooter's PetPals
Pals from around the County


Teagen walks Tommy Dines, Teagen is known
for her spiffy outfits, here in hip tee-shirt and 
unisex boxers.

121910 by Linda Guffin

Lexie says, "Sorry, you didn't call dibs."

Barkley pushed me off the bed.

Santa knows we have been soooo good. 
We can sit with the best of them.
Please give us our presents and we hope they are edible.
So say Roxie and Misha

"Happy Chanukah Dog" says: Mazel tov!

 "Devil Dog"  Often referred to as "El Diablo"

"Bumble Dog" Numerous sightings have been reported in Mariposa, CA often seen at the residence of Carol Lobrano, niece of Jerusha, it runs in the family

"Buddogh"  Her lack of speech stems from her vow of silence.  Her message: Be Kind to Others

From Vicki Mueller
"Clyde's reaction when I showed him Moo Ling's reindeer picture!"

Look I can be a reindeer if I want too, without those
fake antlers, "Clyde the Reindeer has a very long
tail and everyone who sees it thinks he's very macho"...
would be a good song...


I'm Moo Ling, a dog, not a reindeer, what is wrong
with you people?

From Linda Guffin

Lexie is the
one Java is really interested
in.  The cat is ok.  Hi, Cooter.


Lexington and Freya...
if she touches my tail she's toast.

Cat buddy, Jasmine, contemplating open window and freedom.

Barkley waiting for cat buddies.

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