Sierra County Fire Safe

The Sierra County Fire Safe and Watershed Council is a non profit organization serving the residents of Sierra County. The Council is composed of volunteers from around the county. Its primary purpose is to seek funding and organize projects with the following goals:
1. Increase the safety of our residents, community and natural resources by strategic use of vegetation.
2. Empower landowners and residents to care for their property through hazard fuel removal assistance; watershed protection, restoration and enhancement; noxious weed removal; and community education and fire safe monitoring.
3. Create meaningful jobs and support local businesses while caring for the watershed
4. Provide assistance in planning at the county level through the Fire Safe Plan, at the community level through Fire Safe Community projects, and at the level of the individual through education and a home site fire safe plan.
5. Partner with other agencies including the U.S. Forest Service, the Sierra Valley Resource Conservation District, the California Fire Safe Council and other groups and organizations who function to preserve and protect our people, communities and watersheds.

The Council began as a group of landowners, firefighters, industry professionals and interested residents to came together to recognize the need for a county wide plan for fire safety. In 2002 a 7 member committee was created by the Sierra County Board of supervisors. The Council was seated with volunteers, but in 2007
it was realized that the council could function more effectively as a non-profit corporation.

The Council is still seated with landowners, firefighters, industry professionals and local residents. The Council is currently working to establish Wildland Urban Interface zones and secure funding to improve the fire safety of those areas. Council members meet with residents and landowners to create fire safe plans and to raise awareness of the watershed around us. Current projects in Alleghany and the foothills of the Sierra Valley near Sierraville seek to reduce hazard fuels and improve the watershed. New projects are being sought, and it is hoped that Economic Stimulus funds will soon be available to do more work, and employ more people through local contractors.

What You can do
The Council has currently has a full board, but members are always welcome. You can also schedule a "fire safe" visit to see how your house or land might be made more fire safe. You can attend meetings provide input on what projects you think the Council might consider. You can be aware of the Sierra County Fire Safe Plan, attend planning meetings and provide public input. Most of all, you can be Fire Safe!

Call (530) 249 –0444

Or, go to the website HERE.



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