Official Swearin'

Official Swearin' 010511

A standing room only crowd gathered at the Courthouse on Monday, January 4, 2011 to witness the swearing-in of the elected and re-elected officials who will serve Sierra County for the coming years.

The audience, elbow-to-elbow.

The swearers, waiting in the jury box.

Judge Kennelly swore in each official, presented here in random order.

Van Maddox, Auditor.

Treasurer-Tax Collector Stephanie Levings, re-elected

Fifth District Supervisor Scott Schlefstein

Supervisor Peter Huebner, re-elected

Assessor Laura Marshall, elected

District Attorney Larry Allen, re-elected

Sheriff John Evans, re-elected

Clerk-Recorder/Elections Heather Foster, re-elected

Judge Charles Ervin, elected

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