Friends and friends go to Independence Lake
The Friends of Independence Lake and those curious about the changes in access there under TNC stewardship took a field trip. The Nature Conservancy was kind enough to grant access to the group, though two were from the local press and three were politicos.
The group saw various points of interest, including Sierra County Road 350. Using a couple of methods, the group followed the old roadway description.
The road was quite rocky.
It led through the new TNC gate.
Past the caretaker’s cottage, which is getting some work.
Past the traditional boat ramp.
To the historic camp ground, where it meets old Sierra County Road 351.
The traditional campground, complete with water.
This is a view of the lake people no longer get to see from shore.
The new campground has a richness of signs.
The group then met at local landmark Los Dos Hermanos to discuss the trip.

Scott Schlefstein, Kenny Osburn, 5th District Supervisor Pat Whitley, Karen Rickman, Robert Haug, and Bill Bate.