Pat Whitley Retires

Highlight of the Board: Honor for Pat Whitley 122210

Pat Whitley, frequently called “La Seniorita” by the Prospect, is retiring from the Board of Supervisors, and Tuesday’s meeting was brightened by a series of tributes to Ms. Whitley.

Pat Whitley has been a feature in Sierra County politics for nearly two decades, serving on the Loyalton City Council and for 16 years on the Sierra County BOS.  She has been a stalwart supporter of the common taxpayer, the “elderly”, and those of us who get sick from time to time.  Braving winter ice and public heat, Pat Whitley has kept her appointments on behalf of the county and her district.  

There was a long, nearly monotonous flow of verbiage praising Ms. Whitley, supported by a stack of plaques and certificates.  She was noted in Congress by Tom McClintock, and at the state level by Dan Logue, represented by supervisor elect Scott Schlefstein.  The Board made its presentation, as did the people of Pat’s district, and the entire county.

The Prospect has long admired and criticized Ms. Whitley, and we add our voice to those thanking her for her dedication and service, and for the human touch she added to board meetings.  Make no mistake, Pat knows her own mind and puts her mind where her mouth is.  She’ll be as tough on the Council as she was on the Board.

If we weren’t so lazy, we’d follow Ms. Whitley as she continues her service on the Loyalton City Council.  But, we are lazy, and we hate to go out at night.

Good Luck, Seniorita!  Good luck to your foes, as well!
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